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How can we generate social impacts with the languages that we speak?

Languages have allowed us to travel, study abroad and meet new friends.

At GLOT we want other people to have the same opportunities as the ones we have been fortunate enough to receive, we want this especially for children.

When we started our operations in 2018, we thought that one way we could make a meaningful impact was through teaching foreign languages to children in underserved communities. However, we realize that many of these children could not read or write in Spanish even though they were attending school.

How can we learn a foreign language if we can’t read our own language?


The Literacy+ program is an adapted version of the Pratham organization’s Teaching at
the Right Level (TaRL)
methodology in India catered to Colombia’s context. With this methodology, basic reading, writing and math skills are evaluated and improved in school-aged children.

In 2020, we transformed the program and created the Literacy+ kit, with which we can reach rural areas that are without internet access.

Each Literacy+ Kit contains:

  • Access to training for teachers through Kolibri (Learning Equality offline tool) or through Google Classroom (for communities with internet).
  • Extracurricular activities adapted to contextually and based on games.
  • Educational material full of colors and fun.
With the Literacy+ Kit we generate positive impacts in low-income communities in Colombia 🇨🇴
Do you want to implement the Literacy+ Kit in your school or community?

Do you want to generate impact with us?

The literacy+ Kit was recognized in 2020 as a consolidated innovation in the first contest for educational justice in Latin America. MORE INFO

Impact measurement

We know that measuring our impact is important and that many people talk about it. WE measure our impact with the simplicity of an ALPHABETIC APPROACH.

When beginning to learn a language, one starts by becoming familiar with the alphabet. At GLOT, we choose the first four letters of the Spanish alphabet to build our approach and communicate our impact. With these four letters we can explain the Theory of Change of the Literacy+ program.
A Access: it is giving communities or individuals opportunities in relation to languages.
B Bilingualism or multilingualism: it is the basis of all the programs that GLOT executes. It is important to keep in mind that for GLOT, love is another language.
C Change: This includes the positive, individual or social transformations that can be achieved through gaining access to GLOT’s opportunities.
D Development: This is understood as the human and social development of a community or benefitted individuals, from the programs executed by GLOT.
Did you know that our alphabet approach preserves the same letters and words in Spanish and English? Change the language to discover it for yourself.

Sustainable Development Goals

We undertake a sustainable approach with everything that we do by conforming to the United Nations SDGs framework. We do so by ensuring that language.

The mission and vision of our network is directly related to these SDGs:

    We believe that access to quality education is right belonging to all children worldwide

    Thanks to your support and trust in us we can continue to grow our reach and impact.
    Let’s make a difference: word by word, one language at a time.
    GLOT Inc.

    Is a non-profit organization legally registered in Medellín Colombia (NIT:901.218.922-1) and a 503c1 Public Charity in the United States.

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