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About us

We are a global network devoted to generating cultural transfers and social impact through languages

We innovate how actors in an intercultural environment, guaranteeing that they feel included and empowered.

We are a bridge that connects people regardless of what language they speak.

Our history

Opportunities for change amid crises: word by word, one language at a time

Hello, I am Diana, I was born and raised in Medellin, a beautiful city in Colombia, which I have seen transform from a place of danger and violence into a peaceful city that is now super friendly and touristic. I am an Engineer by trade, with a great passion for languages and social causes, which has made me want to find a way to change the world from local realities.

Ever since I was a child I have loved languages and my dream has been to be a polyglot (someone who can speak four or more languages). Along the way I had the opportunity to learn English and French, but working as a volunteer with poor communities in Medellin, I realized the widespread inequalities that still exist in my city today. I realized that there are children who do not know how to read and write in Spanish (our native language) as I was able to do at their age.

I wanted to be an active participant in changing this reality, I wanted to give back the opportunities I have received, but I did not know how. In 2018, I had a crisis at work; I received a monthly salary but my heart was empty. During this year, I remembered that I needed a language to fulfill my dream of becoming a polyglot. I decided to choose LOVE as a universal language, and thus GLOT was born as a way of giving back some of the opportunities I have had.

In 2020, going through a new crisis (this time the worldwide pandemic due to COVID-19), we re-invented ourselves and went from being a personal project to becoming a global network of cultural transfer and social impact through languages.

Today we represent many nationalities and we work together so that the power of languages reaches EVERYONE.

Diana Suárez

Diana Suárez
Founder & CEO

¡We were born!
  • In the beautiful city of Medellin, Colombia 🇨🇴
First pilot
  • We launched our first Literacy+ program pilot.
  • We became members of the global network of Impact Hub entrepreneurs.
  • We participated in the Impacto2030 program of Impact Hub Medellin.
We reaffirmed our mission
  • We were chosen as a Consolidated Innovation at the First Contest for Educational Justice in America.
We achieved US501(c)(3) status
  • We piloted the Literacy+ program for the first time in rural schools in Colombia.
  • We started operations in the United States as a non-profit organization.
we created an alliance between Europe and South America
  • We are piloting the Literacy+ program with the support of SUMMA (Chile) and the Education Endowment Foundation (UK) .

that Unite Us

Inspired by the love of languages and convinced that this is a universal language, we consider its immense power so it moves us to do everything.

We consider multilingualism and linguistic diversity culturally enriching and a means of inciting human and social transformation.
We respect the differences that exist among varying cultures, languages and people.
Just as life has given us the opportunity for languages to be a part of our journey, we remain grateful for this and want to aid others to do the same.
We seek sustainability alternatives when meeting our objectives from an economic, social and environmental perspective, while also promoting sustainable lifestyles.

Meet the Team

We are proud to be a diverse and multicultural business led predominantly by women!

General Assembly

  • Diana M. Suárez
    Miembro de asamblea en Colombia y Estados Unidos / Board member in Colombia and the United States
  • Juan Prieto
    Miembro de asamblea en Colombia y Estados Unidos / Board member in Colombia and the United States
  • Luz Suárez
    Miembro de asamblea en Colombia y Estados Unidos / Board member in Colombia and the United States
  • Lina Restrepo
    Miembro de asamblea en Colombia / Board member in Colombia
  • Megan Hennessy
    Miembro de asamblea Estados Unidos / Board member in the United States

Equipo / Team

🇨🇴 Diana Suárez

Fundadora, CEO / Founder, CEO

🇺🇸 Shyam Kamath

Programa Mentoring / Mentoring program

🇨🇴 Katerine Cuervo

Coordinadora Programa Literacy+ / Program coordinator, Literacy+

🇨🇴 Prisila Alzate

Mentora Literacy+ / Literacy+ mentor

🇨🇴 Felipe Paniagua 

Mentor Literacy+ / Literacy+ mentor

🇨🇴 Leonardo Pico

Mentor Literacy+ / Literacy+ mentor

🇨🇴 Maria Teresa Idárraga

Gestora de voluntariado y asistente logístico, Literacy+ / Volunteering manager and support, Literacy+

Our network is made up of:

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We are looking for global citizens who want to generate A POSITIVE IMPACT in society

Get in touch with us and be one of the national or international volunteers who have
joined our cause. We appreciate your help!

We believe that access to quality education is right belonging to all children worldwide

Thanks to your support and trust in us we can continue to grow our reach and impact.
Let’s make a difference: word by word, one language at a time.

Is a non-profit organization legally registered in Medellín Colombia (NIT:901.218.922-1) and a 503c1 Public Charity in the United States.

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© GLOT Inc. 2024. Derechos Reservados / All Rights Reserved